Dr. Derek Summerfield, a South African psychiatrist, spent time in Cambodia studying the mental health effects of leftover landmines on the local population. Coincidentally, during this time, antidepressant medications were introduced to the region. But there was one problem. In the local Khmer language, there was no word for “antidepressant.”
Is Your Breathing Harming Your Health? Here is How To Fix It!
In September 2018, James Nestor and Anders Olsson embarked on an intriguing self-experiment. Both men call themselves ‘Pulmonauts,’ dedicated to exploring the transformative power of breathing to enhance physical, mental, and emotional health.
[Read more…] about Is Your Breathing Harming Your Health? Here is How To Fix It!
Swimming with Men
Eric sits in his glass office, utterly hopeless, bored, and confused. He is an accountant who has arrived mid-life in a job that makes him fall asleep. His wife is thriving in her career as a local politician and is rarely there for Eric. His teenaged son does not like him very much. He wonders what life is still about. He is stuck in a proper mid-life crisis. The only respite Eric gets is in the evenings when he swims in his local pool.
This is how the English comedy-drama, Swimming with Men, begins.
After finding his wife and her boss enjoying a glass of wine at his home, Eric loses it and moves out. Life from then on feels even more meaningless. During one of his swims, he sinks to the floor of the pool, wanting to end it all. This is when he discovers a strange group of men on the other side of the pool … under water … doing very weird things while holding hands.
Avoid doing this in 2024!
On April 11th, 1983, Dave’s band went to record their debut album In New York. Dave, a highly gifted guitarist, singer, and songwriter had been with the band for two years as their lead guitarist. But Dave’s aggressive behaviour and alcohol problems had taken a toll, and the other band members had had enough. They packed up Dave’s gear and drove him to the Port Authority Bus Terminal, putting him on a Greyhound bus bound for Los Angeles. He was expelled from the band.
Devastated and fuming with anger, Dave was falling further and further away from his dream. It was during these dark hours that he swore revenge. He would put together a band which would become better and bigger than his previous band. His new band would organise more successful tours in sold out venues and sell more records than his previous band mates ever dreamed of. [Read more…] about Avoid doing this in 2024!
Verzichte im Jahr 2024 darauf!
Am 11. April 1983 machte sich Dave mit seiner Band auf den Weg, um in New York ihr Debütalbum aufzunehmen. Dave, ein hochbegabter Gitarrist, Sänger und Songwriter, war seit zwei Jahren als Leadgitarrist in der Band. Doch starker Alkoholkonsum und daraus resultierende Streitigkeiten hatten längst überhandgenommen, und so beschlossen die anderen drei Mitglieder, ihn aus der Band zu werfen. Sie packten seine Ausrüstung zusammen, fuhren ihn zum Port Authority Bus Terminal und setzten ihn in einen Greyhound-Bus nach Los Angeles.
Am Boden zerstört und kochend vor Wut, entfernte sich Dave immer weiter von seinem Traum, Kopf einer erfolgreichen Heavy Metal Band zu werden. In diesen dunklen Stunden schwor er Rache. Er würde eine Band zusammenstellen, die besser und größer werden würde als seine vorherige. Sie würde erfolgreichere Tourneen in ausverkauften Hallen organisieren und mehr Platten verkaufen, als sich seine früheren Bandkollegen jemals erträumen könnten. [Read more…] about Verzichte im Jahr 2024 darauf!